My Story in Best of British SF
This has been on my bucketlist for ages! I’ve had a story accepted to the awesome NewCon Press collection “Best of British SF 2022” edited by Donna Scott. The story? It’s from “Under the Moon: Collected Speculative Fiction” – and it’s one of my faves. The Amelioration of Existence in Spite of Truth and Reconciliation…
Eastercon panels
7-10 April, Birmingham I’ve got quite a lot on at the BSFA’s annual convention, this time in a hopefully sunny Birmingham. This year the con is entitled “Conversation” and you can bet there will be some over the weekend. Here’s where you can find me: Friday 15:00 Rockets Matter: Listen to Me! – a panel…
A moodboard for Under the Moon
A taster of some of the elements of Under the Moon. Click the link to go to Ghost Moth Press to grab it!
Wednesday Words
I’ll be putting out little snippets regularly and you can find them around about including on my Mastodon, Instagram, and *shudder* Twitter feeds. They’ll feature little insights into the stories and characters that populate my brain and my books. Don’t forget, you can get a masterkey into these worlds buy going to GhostMothPress.com and spending…
Broken Blue longlisted for BSFAs
I was really pleased to see my story got into the longlist for the British Science Fiction Association’s Best Short Fiction award. If you’re a member, perhaps you could punt it a vote to get it into the short list? It’s a tough field, with works up to novella length being included in the list.…
I finally broke. Though Twitter had been my online home and source of a wonderful bookish community, I am making the move to Mastodon at least for now. Come find me at https://wandering.shop/web/@EMFaulds I’m new to the site and while it has its limitations, for now I’m getting a much more genuine experience due to…
Under the Moon: Paperback now available!
Please go buy the paperback version of Under the Moon: Collected Speculative Fiction which is now out with Ghost Moth Press! Buy here, direct from Ghost Moth: https://www.ghostmothpress.com/product/under-the-moon-collected-speculative-fiction-by-e-m-faulds-ebook/ Or, if you are not based in the UK, please search it out at your local Amazon as there are many difficulties sending books from the UK…
Shortlisted for a British Fantasy Award!
I’m stoked and flattered and humbled and feeling slightly sick still after finding out I was shortlisted for a British Fantasy Award for Best Short Fiction. My story, A Flight of Birds, follows a lonely “vampire” barista working late nights in Glasgow’s West End. I put vampire in quotes because in fact, they’re a very…
Scrivener templates
Or, how to stop you tearing your hair out each time you start a new project. A friend was having trouble and rather than write a long twitter thread that no-one will ever find again, I decided to update the content on my blog for once! Heh. Thanks, Russell! Okay, so you got your Scriv…
Womble review/interview for Under the Moon
Many of you know Runalong Womble from Twitter – booktempter par excellence. He has kindly put one of the first reviews, and then an author interview for Under the Moon. In the review, he has spent a lot of time detailing many of his favourite stories, which could be a nice taster if you want…