“A Flight of Birds” in SF Caledonia
I’m pleased to say I have a fantasy story in this SFF anthology, out March! From Shoreline of Infinity‘s editor emeritus Noel Chidwick comes a new project, SF Caledonia. Collecting the best of Scottish SFF in a showcase website, this is his first anthology and I’m really chuffed to be included alongside fabulous Scottish author…
E.M. Faulds 2024 Awards Eligibility
If you’ve read something I’ve published in 2024 and liked it, please do put it forward for an appropriate award. Recognition for my work helps me get more pieces published, and helps more readers find me! Here’s a list of possibilities.
Nova Scotia Vol 2 Launch!
Really chuffed to bits to be included in this anthology of new Scottish SFF (vol 2). The first Nova Scotia was brought out for the last Worldcon, and this one will have two launches, one inside the convention (Glasgow Worldcon 2024) and one outside. I am going to both! The first is a free event…
Gallus! A GSFWC Worldcon Anthology
To celebrate Worldcon coming to Glasgow, our local (legendary) writers’ group, the Glasgow SF Writers’ Circle, decided to put out an anthology. So, we’re releasing the book at Worldcon in Glasgow next month! And because not everyone can make that, we’re doing a separate launch party at the end of August in Waterstones, Argyle St,…
Science Fiction story Published in ParSec Magazine
Award recognition is one of the best ways for new people to find me, so if you’ve liked anything from me published in 2024, here’s a list of possibilities!
Getting the best out of your WorldCon trip
So, you’re travelling to WorldCon this year, you’ve never before visited Glasgow or Scotland. You don’t know what to expect or how to behave. Here are some tips you might find useful, a follow up to my Glasgow post with more nitty-gritty details. (I don’t make any guarantee that everything is 100% accurate in all…
What’s it really like in Glasgow?
With Worldcon coming to this city in 2024, and as an outsider who made this place her home, I thought it might be useful for some folks to get a look at the realities of the city. Especially if they’re visiting. I might add to this later, I might not. We will see. Since the…
BFA win
So, Under the Moon ended up winning the British Fantasy Award for Best Collection 2023. I had not seen it coming. I was up against some amazing writers, and still can’t quite believe it. But it did happen, so I guess on to the next thing. It took me a long time to put this…
Author interview for Worldcon 2024
The lovely folks at Glasgow’s Worldcon are doing many warmup events, and I jumped at the chance to get interviewed by the inimitable Robin Duncan.
Under the Moon on the British Fantasy Award Shortlist 2023
Under the Moon has been nominated for a British Fantasy Award! I’m chuffed, but also intimidated by the competition on that list. It’s all… a bit overwhelming. As a category, it is smaller than, say, short story. But if you’ve read any of the others, you know it’s in no way a slam dunk for…