Spaceships & Feelings

Under the Moon on the British Fantasy Award Shortlist 2023

Under the Moon has been nominated for a British Fantasy Award!

I’m chuffed, but also intimidated by the competition on that list. It’s all… a bit overwhelming. As a category, it is smaller than, say, short story. But if you’ve read any of the others, you know it’s in no way a slam dunk for my little book. I hope it gets a few more readers, if nothing else.

I know the “I’m just happy to be nominated” thing is a bit cliche, but I really do feel like I’ve already achieved something just by being mentioned on the same list as the other nominees. If this is as far as that goes, I’m more than happy: I’m chuffed to bits.

Go! Go read all the wonderful stories that you can from this list of gems.

Full shortlist:

Under the Moon: Collected Speculative Fiction by E.M. Faulds

Under the Moon: Collected Speculative Fiction by E.M. Faulds

British Fantasy Award for Best Collection 2023

15 SFFH tales with female protagonists

Available now at Ghost Moth Press or online retailers